Tadeai (Indigo plant)
What is "Awa-Ai"?
藍染(あいぞめ)は、日本の伝統的な染色技法で、その深い青色は「JAPAN BLUE」として世界に知られています。特に徳島県(阿波国)は藍の主要な産地であり、徳島でつくられた「すくも(蒅)」は阿波藍と呼ばれます。また、原料となるタデアイ(蓼藍)の栽培からすくも作り(染料)までの工程は、すべて手作業で約100日間がかかります。
Indigo-dye(Aizome) is a traditional Japanese dyeing technique, and its deep blue color is globally known as "Japan Blue." Tokushima Prefecture (formerly Awa Province) is a major producer of indigo. The Sukumo (the dye) produced in Tokushima is known as Awa-ai. The process, from cultivating the Tadeai (indigo plant) to producing Sukumo (the dye), is done entirely by hand and takes approximately 100 days.
Once a rare and expensive dye, Awa-Ai became widely popular during the Edo period (1603–1868) and was used by the general public. In 1968, the Awa Sho-Aizome method was designated as an intangible cultural asset of Tokushima Prefecture and is still used today in products such as fabrics and interior items.

Indigo Cedar
Indigo-Dyed Products by AOLA
AOLA cultivates indigo in the serene, unspoiled countryside of southern Tokushima, working hand-in-hand with local farmers to manage fields and oversee the entire process, from cultivation to the creation of indigo materials. Through traditional methods, AOLA transforms indigo into a paste and applies it as a pigment rather than a dye, pioneering its unique "Natural-Indigo-Coat" technology. This innovation allows indigo to be used in paints and sprays, enabling the creation of building materials, interior designs, and small objects that showcase the natural beauty of wood grain, enhanced with a stunning indigo finish.

Indigo Tableware
A wide variety of products are available, including cups, sake vessels, plates, and coasters. Additionally, domestically sourced materials such as Hinoki (Japanese cypress), Cedar, Thoch, and Maple are carefully selected to suit each purpose.
Furthermore, the products have passed Italy's food contact product tests, known to be among the most stringent in the world. In addition, they have also cleared tests in the UK and the USA, ensuring they can be used with complete confidence.

Indigo Building Material-"RIN"
「凛」シリーズは、徳島県産の杉材と藍を組み合わせた、「JAPAN BLUE」を象徴する唯一無二の藍染建材です。建築基準法の不燃材規制への適合、重歩行に耐える耐久性、屋外使用の適性など、さまざまな規制要件を満たすことを目指して開発されています。
The "Rin Series" is a one-of-a-kind indigo building material that combines cedar from Tokushima Prefecture with indigo, symbolizing Japan's iconic "JAPAN BLUE." These materials are being developed to meet various regulatory requirements, including compliance with the Building Standards Act for non-combustible materials, durability for heavy foot traffic, and suitability for outdoor use.
From commercial facilities to residential homes, these materials can be installed in a wide range of spaces, adding a distinctive charm that creates truly unique environments.

Indigo Interior Panel-"RIN・KIWAMI"
The surface of the material is treated with "naguri" processing, a traditional Japanese woodworking technique, creating a dynamic atmosphere through the undulating patterns and geometric shapes of the relief. Furthermore, by applying our uniquely developed "Natural-Indigo-Coat", the interplay of light and shadow is beautifully harmonized, resulting in a deeper, more refined finish.